Saturday, June 23, 2018

Difference between functional document and business document

Business documents are written to define the requirements of a business process; it is gathering data from customer ’s perspectives while functional document is written according to the functionality specified in the business document; it is extracted from business requirement document into different functionalities, this will be used by the development team.

Difference between use case and test case

Defect management process is important in software development teams because developers will be able to determine the importance or the impact of the defect. The process also can prevent defects; implementation of test techniques, methodology and standard processes to reduce the risk of defects. By following the defect management process, the software developers are able to categorize/prioritize the defect if this needs fixing straight away or this can wait until the next releases. This also can improve the development process as this can prevent the defects from occurring again.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Defect Management Questions and Answers

1.     Why is defect management process important in software development teams?
Ans: Defect management process is important in software development teams because developers will be able to determine the importance or the impact of the defect. The process also can prevent defects; implementation of test techniques, methodology and standard processes to reduce the risk of defects. By following the defect management process, the software developers are able to categorize/prioritize the defect if this needs fixing straight away or this can wait until the next releases. This also can improve the development process as this can prevent the defects from occurring again.
2.     What are the fields in the bug report?
Ans: Bug ID, Bug Description, Version, Steps, Date Raised, Reference, Detected By, Status, Fixed By, Date Closed, Severity and Priority
3.     Why do defects have priority and severity?
Ans: Priority and severity are important in raising defects as these two category will determine how important the bug to be fixed. These categorize the importance or the impact of the defect of the software.
4.     When does a defect gets deferred?
Ans: A defect gets deferred if the developer feels that the bug is not a prime priority then defect gets deferred. The deferred bugs/defects can be fixed in the next releases.
5.     How do you deal with an inconsistent defect?
Ans: By logging a defect with a screenshot or video attached on it.
6.      How do you log a defect?
Ans: By capturing the detailed information of how you find the defect by writing in detailed steps and following the bug reports template of the defect management software used. You can either attach a screenshot or a video to support your report.
7.     Can you name a defect that has a high priority and low severity?
Ans: A logo error on your website. It is a low severity as it won’t affect the functionality of your website but high priority as you don’t want your client to see an incorrect logo on your website.
8.     When does a defect gets rejected by the developer?
Ans: A defect get rejected by the developer if the defect raised is out of scope of the requirement, lack of test data, non-reproducible or duplicate bugs.
9.     What is a change request and how does a change request gets handled?
Ans: Change request is a proposal to alter a product or system. To handle the change request is to have a right processes in place to manage them. In that way, everyone in the development team is within the loop and will be able to follow the workflow.
10.   How do you analyse the root cause of a defect?
Ans: To analyse the root cause of a defect is by determining the what, how and why the defect occurred so that can be taken to prevent future occurences.
11.   What is defect triaging?
Ans: Defect Triaging is a process where each bug is prioritized based on its severity. It is to evaluate, prioritize and assign the resolution of the defect.

STLC Questions and Answers

1.     What is the testing process followed in a company ideally?
Ans: The testing process usually followed in a company is from requirement analysis, test planning, test case development, environment setup, test execution then test closure.  This should be followed accordingly.

2.     What are the activities performed in test design and test execution?
Ans: The activities performed in test design is test case writing by using test design techniques using boundary analysis, Equivalence class partitioning, use case, state transition and decision table. Test Execution is the implementation of the test case.

3.     Explain the difference between an SDLC and STLC?
Ans: SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, it is the application development life cycle from planning, defining, designing, building, testing and deployment. So, everyone in the development team is involved in this process from Clients, Business Analyst, Project Managers, Developers and Testers. While STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle is the process used for the testing team only. From requirement analysis, test planning, test case development, environment setup, test execution then test closure. 

4.     What is the test scenario, test condition and test case?
Ans: Test scenario is any functionality that  can be tested; the “what to be tested”, it is also the as test condition. Test case is the “how to be tested” where you can write the detailed steps of your testing.

5.     What is the process to write a manual test case?
Ans:  The process of manual testing is from requirement analysis, test plan creation, test case creation, test case execution, defect logging, then defect fix and re-verification.

6.     What is a test cycle and why it is important to carry out testing in cycles?
Ans: Test cycle is from requirement analysis, test planning, test case development, environment setup, test execution then test closure.  It is important to help certify that software meets the specified requirement and to prevent missed informations.

7.     Explain Requirement Traceability Matrix(TRM) in simple terms.
             Ans: Requirement Traceability Matrix is a document that links requirement throughout                 the validation process, it is to determine that all requirements defined are tes

SDLC Questions and Answers

1.     What is the difference between use case and test case?
Ans:  Use case captures business and user requirements related to system requirements. Use cases are provided for developers so they can develop for solution while test cases are for testers to validate that the solution matches the requirements or the requirements have been met.

2.     What is the difference between functional document and business document?
Ans:  Business documents are written to define the requirements of a business process; it is gathering data from customer ’s perspectives while functional document is written according to the functionality specified in the business document; it is extracted from business requirement document into different functionalities, this will be used by the development team.

3.     Why do we need a separate environment for the developers and testers?
Ans: Developers and testers should have different environment as they work in different ways. Developer has knowledge of the code while testers will only validate what the developer did if it meets the specified requirements.

4.     What is the role of a Developer in different phases of SDLC?
Ans: The role of a Developer in SDLC is in Implement/Coding phase. They are the one who develops the product.

5.     What is the role of a Customer/Client in different phases of SDLC?
Ans: Customer/Client is the one who will provide information in Requirement gathering and analysis.

6.     Which phase of SDLC does the testers to write test case?
Ans: Testers are able to write test case in Test Design phase. Testing should be done as early as possible to prevent finding defects.

7.     Who are the different stakeholders involved in different phases of SDLC?
Ans: Clients/ Customers, Project Managers, Business Analyst, Developers, Testers, Stakeholders.
8.     What is the role of a Business Analyst in different phases of SDLC?
Ans: Business Analyst is the one who gathers information and analyze the requirements.

9.     What is the role of a Test Analyst in different phases of SDLC?
Ans: Test Analyst writes test cases, execute and validate that the system meets the specified requirements.